6th Age Skills

Terminology and Operations
  • Identify key terms that will aid in the students’ understanding of age-appropriate software and hardware
  • Review the equipment: mouse, monitor, keyboard, speakers, etc.
  • Learn how to click and drag
  • Use symbols to operate technology devices (print, save, open, create a new document, etc.)
  • Familiarize the student with the keyboard
  • Learn functions of “Enter,” “Shift,” “Tab,” and “Spacebar”
  • Access internet and other programs via desktop icons
  • Create/Open/Save/Close/Print files
  • Name files using a simple system (logical naming system)
  • Use the Recycle Bin (located on the Desktop) and learn its functions  

  • Create drawings & illustrations using basic graphics programs
  • Develop simple publications using Microsoft Office products
  • Use mapping software to create diagrams which will aid in writing assignments, science experiments, etc.  

Communication & Collaboration
  • Work in small groups to complete projects and share ideas
  • Present projects to the class   

Research & Evaluation
  • Use search engines to find information about topics covered in class
  • Learn how to use keywords and elementary search techniques  

Problem Solving
  • Expand on basic troubleshooting techniques to include specific issues relating to software and hardware   

Digital Citizenship
  • Exhibit responsible computer & internet use
  • Respect lab space and equipment (laptop cart, SmartBoards, cameras, etc.)